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6 martyred, 100 injured as curfew in Occupied Kashmir enters fourth day

6 martyred, 100 injured as curfew in Occupied Kashmir enters fourth day
August 8, 2019
SRINAGAR (92 News) – The curfew imposed by the Indian authorities in the Indian-held Jammu Kashmir (IHK) entered the fourth day, on Thursday, converting the entire territory into a big jail through the huge deployment of forces. In Occupied Kashmir, despite strict curfew and heavy deployment of the troops, people took to the streets in Srinagar, Pulwama, Baramulla and other parts of the territory to protest against the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A by India. The troops fired bullets, pellets and teargas shells on the protesters killing at least six of them and injuring many others. According to the Kashmir Media Service (KMS), all educational institutions are closed while the entire population has been virtually held incommunicado as it has no contact with the external world through the internet or telephone. People are facing a shortage of daily commodities including milk, dairy items and medicines. The curfew also remained imposed in all major cities and towns of Chenab valley districts in Jammu region. The entire resistance leadership including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq continued to remain under house arrest or in jails. Media reports said that six people with gunshot wounds caused by lethal weapons were brought to a Srinagar hospital on Monday. The UK-based news agency, Reuters, quoting police confirmed that the Indian forces’ personnel fired teargas shells and pellets on protesters in Srinagar. The BBC, citing locals, reported that the Kashmiris were in a state of shock and they were still processing what happened. The news agency added that it seemed the valley was going to erupt very soon. Meanwhile, the communication of the entire Kashmiri population with the outside world remains suspended as the Indian government continues to shut television channels and snap telephone and internet links in a bid to prevent protests. Prominent journalist from Occupied Kashmir, Muzamil Jaleel, who arrived in New Delhi from Srinagar narrated what he saw on ground and in the streets of the locked Kashmir valley. While sharing his observations, he said it is the worst than 1846 when the entire population of Jammu and Kashmir along with lands and trees were sold by British to Maharaja Gulab Singh for 7,500,000 Nanakshahee. He said Srinagar is a city of soldiers and spools of concertina wire. The Organisation of Kashmir Coalition in its Executive Council meeting in London made it clear to India that Kashmir was a UN-recognised dispute and its status could neither be changed, nor could the territory be divided. The editorial board of New York Times in its opinion piece titled ‘India Tempts Fate in Kashmir, ‘The Most Dangerous Place in the World’ said, the Indian government’s decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir is dangerous and wrong with bloodshed is all but certain, and tension with Pakistan will soar. The board urged the US, China, the UN and other powers, with influence over India and Pakistan, to urgently do what they can to prevent India’s folly from escalating into a perilous and unpredictable regional crisis. The Kashmir Council Europe as a part of three-day protest programme held a demonstration in Brussels on Wednesday, against the Indian onslaught on special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Canada’s third largest federal political party, NDP also expressed serious concern over the prevailing grim situation in occupied Kashmir.