Saturday, September 21, 2024

China says media have exposed iPhone security incidents

China says media have exposed iPhone security incidents
September 13, 2023 Web Desk

BEIJING (AFP) - China said Wednesday it had noted "many media reports exposing security incidents involving iPhones".

"The Chinese government attaches a great importance to information and cybersecurity, and treats both domestic and foreign-funded enterprises in the same way and on an equal footing," foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told a regular press conference.

Mao denied there was any ban on officials purchasing or using foreign phones, including iPhones. "China has not issued any laws, regulations, and policy documents prohibiting the purchase and use of foreign brand smartphones, including iPhone," she said.

"We always have an open attitude towards foreign-funded enterprises." Apple shares fell sharply last week following reports of significant Chinese restrictions on iPhones at government offices and state-backed entities.

The Wall Street Journal first reported that China had barred the use of Apple smartphones in central government agencies. That was followed by a Bloomberg News story that China planned to expand the ban to government-backed agencies and state companies, broadening the effect of the policy in a centrally planned economy.