Wednesday, October 9, 2024

FM briefs Russian counterpart about worse situation of IoK

FM briefs Russian counterpart about worse situation of IoK
August 14, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mahmood Qureshi held a telephonic conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov today (Wednesday) and briefed him on the deteriorating situation of of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). According to the statement, Shah Mehmood Qureshi briefed him on the illegal and unilateral steps taken by the Indian government to change the disputed status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and its demographic structure. The FM said that these steps by India are against the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir and International Law. He highlighted the severe hardships faced by the people of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the face of unprecedented lockdown of the entire population. He also apprised his Russian counterpart about the deteriorating situation of safety and security of the population in the occupied Jammu & Kashmir, which has been under curfew for the last ten days. FM Qureshi also shared concerns about the intensified repression by Indian security forces and the possibility of false flag operation, which would further endanger peace and security in the region. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov underlined the importance of resolution of all outstanding issues through dialogue and peaceful means. The two leaders agreed to continue to work together for peace and stability in the region. Earlier in the day, Pakistan’s Ambassador to UN Dr Maleeha Lodhi presented a letter from Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to the UN Security Council (UNSC) asking for an urgent meeting on the grim situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK). Maleeha Lodhi presented the letter to UNSC President and Polish Ambassador Joanna Wronecka. The council president will hold consultations with the Council members and fix a date for the meeting. Meanwhile, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi began meeting the council members again to update them on the situation in occupied Kashmir. In another development, Poland’s Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz, who is also in New York, said he hopes India and Pakistan can work out a mutually beneficially solution after New Delhi revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir. Czaputowicz was in New York to address a Security Council briefing Tuesday on International humanitarian law – Seventieth anniversary of the Geneva Conventions: upholding humanity in modern conflict.