Saturday, October 12, 2024

FM presents case of oppressed Kashmiris in UNHRC

FM presents case of oppressed Kashmiris in UNHRC
September 10, 2019
GENEVA (92 News) – Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Tuesday presented the case of oppressed Kashmiris in UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva. While addressing the 42nd session of UNHRC, the minister said highlighted the highlighted the Indian atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). He mentioned that India has converted the whole valley into a jail, and Kashmiris are being imprisoned without any offense. “India is refusing to give the right of self determination to the people of the occupied valley. Journalists and neutral observers are also highlighting the atrocities being committed there,” he maintained. “India is committing human rights violations in the valley which has exposed the true face of the so-called democratic country,” he added.
Kashmir not an internal affair of India
The foreign minister categorically stated that the long dispute of the IOK was not an internal affair of India. “Today, I have knocked on the doors of the Human Rights Council, the repository of the world’s conscience on human rights, to seek justice and respect for the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. “We must not allow this august body to be embarrassed on the world stage. As a founding member of this Council, Pakistan feels morally and ethically bound to prevent this from occurring,” he said.
World must not remain indifferent about Kashmir
Shah Mahmood Qureshi the world must not remain indifferent to the tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes referring to India's actions in occupied Kashmir. “India has illegally tried to annex Kashmir. India’s unilateral actions have not only violated international laws but also the UNSC resolutions over Kashmir.” the foreign minister stressed. “The international community must take notice of the situation in the valley and termed the dispute as a bilateral matter between Pakistan and India,” he said.
Pakistan submits dossier against in Indian state terrorism in UNHRC
On the other hand, Pakistan is actively performing well against the Indian state barbarism in the Occupied Kashmir and Pakistani also submitted dossier – containing 115-pages – against Indian state terrorism in the UNHCR. It is worth mention here that 115-page dossier contains descriptions and visual evidence of Indian aggression as well as including all the details and names of the victims mentioned in the dossier.