Monday, September 30, 2024

Government increases gas prices from 10 to 145 percent

Government increases gas prices from 10 to 145 percent
October 4, 2018
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The government has increased the gas prices from 10 to 145 percent, making the life tough for the poor. According to a notification issued by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) on Thursday, the gas tariff for the domestic consumers has been increased from three to seven. According to the OGRA, gas has been increased by 40 percent for CNG consumers and ‘Tandoors’. After the increase in the gas prices, CNG will go up by Rs 20 per kg. As per the notification, the gas rate for the fertilizers and feed stocks has been increased by 50 percent, power sector by 52 percent, industrial sector ad KEPTO power plants by 40 percent. However, the gas tariffs for the sports, surgical, carpet and leather sectors will remain unchanged.