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International community should take Kashmir issue seriously: Asad Majeed

International community should take Kashmir issue seriously: Asad Majeed
August 28, 2019
WASHINGTON (92 News) – Pakistani ambassador to US Asad Majeed Khan has said that international community should take the Kashmir issue seriously. In an interview with ‘The Wall Street Journal’, the Pakistani envoy said that the escalating unrest in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) is threat to peace and security of the world. He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan is expected next month to push the UN to pay more attention to India’s actions in Kashmir, as the nation seeks to jump-start international attention to New Delhi’s clampdown in the disputed territory. “Pakistan already has warned that the situation in Kashmir could ignite a war with India, and highlighted that both countries are nuclear armed,” Asad Majeed said. He mentioned that the UN General Assembly meeting will be an opportunity to highlight the serious nature of Kashmir issue. “The prime minister will emphasize on the UN to focus on Kashmir issue. The ambassador urged international community to show seriousness on the Kashmir situation that worsened following abrogation of article 370 and 35A by Indian government that gave special status to the valley. He further clarified that befitting response will be given to Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi in case of attacking sovereignty of Pakistan. Earlier on August 25, Asad Majeed Khan said that India’s actions in IoK posed a threat to regional peace and stability. Addressing an event in the state of Virginia, the Pakistani envoy said the Narendra Modi-led government had held nine million Kashmiris hostage with its ongoing clampdown in the occupied valley, and called on the world to break its silence on the grave situation. He has urged the international community to take strict notice of India’s ongoing atrocities in occupied Kashmir. He also demanded that the world institutions send analysts and observers to the occupied valley and force India to withdraw its decision to end special status of occupied Kashmir. “India’s actions in occupied Kashmir posed a threat to regional peace and stability,” he noted, adding that it was not clear how the situation would unfold in the coming days. Ambassador Majeed pointed out that US President Donald Trump had offered as many as three times to play a role in mediating on the Kashmir crisis.