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Israel’s killing machine must be stopped in Gaza, West Bank: Pakistan tells UNGA

Israel’s killing machine must be stopped in Gaza, West Bank: Pakistan tells UNGA
December 16, 2023 Web Desk

UNITED NATIONS (APP) - Pakistan, on behalf of a group of 14 countries, on Friday again pushed for a ceasefire in Gaza, while underscoring the need for an international mechanism to protect Palestinian civilians from Israel’s bombing, and intensified efforts towards peacefully resolving the Middle East conflict.

“The Israeli killing machine must be stopped in Gaza and the West Bank,” Ambassador Munir Akram told the UN General Assembly which met to hear the remaining speakers of its Dec 12 emergency session, when he made Pakistan’s national statement.

He said: “The international community must also establish an accountability mechanism and a special tribunal to investigate Israel’s atrocity crimes.” The 193-member Assembly has already adopted a resolution, by an overwhelming majority, demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and reiterating its insistence that parties to the conflict comply with international law, all hostages be released immediately and without conditions and humanitarian access be ensured.

The Assembly acted after the United States vetoed the Security Council’s ceasefire resolution. “We deeply regret that calls from the UN Secretary-General and the General Assembly were not heeded by Israel and it continues its criminal attacks against the Palestinian people,” the Pakistani envoy said.

The group of countries he spoke for include: Algeria, Bolivia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Nigeria, Syria and Venezuela. “We are witnessing a human tragedy of epic proportions unfolding in front of our eyes,” Ambassador Akram said.

Israel’s indiscriminate bombardments from air, land, and sea, along with intense ground operations across Gaza have now continued for over two months, killing more than 18,000 people, most of them women and children, wounding close to 50,000. “Entire families and neighborhoods have been wiped out,” the Pakistani envoy said, noting that the number of people killed is the highest in proportion to population since this century began.

Drawing particular attention to the 134 UNRWA staff members who were killed in Gaza, he said this was the highest-ever-recorded killing of United Nations personnel in the history of the Organization.

“Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, blockading of food and other essentials, and forced displacement of Palestinians are flagrant violations of humanitarian law and may amount to the crime of genocide,” Ambassador Akram said. “The collective punishment endured by the besieged people of Gaza is unprecedented in modern history, he said. We must also be appalled at those who, by blocking the call for a ceasefire in the Security Council, have enabled the continuation of the Israeli slaughter of innocents.”