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Khashoggi fiancée warns of 'money' influence

Khashoggi fiancée warns of 'money' influence
October 30, 2018
LONDON (Reuters) - The fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi criticised President Donald Trump’s response to his killing, urging him to set aside US trade interests in the push for truth, and demanded Riyadh disclose more details to bring those who ordered it to justice. The death of Khashoggi - a Washington Post columnist and a critic of Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - sparked global outrage and pitched the world’s top oil exporter into crisis. Trump has hedged his criticism of Saudi leaders over Khashoggi, insisting he does not want to imperil a “tremendous order” of $110 billion (£86 billion) of weapons he says will support 500,000 US jobs - figures that experts say are highly exaggerated. His fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, told an audience on a visit to London she was disappointed with Trump’s approach. “I am disappointed by the actions of the leadership in many countries, particularly in the US,” she said. “President Trump should help reveal the truth and ensure justice be served. He should not pave the way for a cover-up of my fiancé’s murder. Let’s not let money taint our conscience and compromise our values.” When asked who was ultimately responsible for the killing, Cengiz told Reuters in an interview in Turkish: “This took place inside a Saudi diplomatic mission. In such circumstances, the Saudi Arabian authorities are responsible for this.”