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Pakistan will respond to Indian aggression at time & place of its choosing: NSC

Pakistan will respond to Indian aggression at time & place of its choosing: NSC
February 26, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The National Security Committee (NSC) has rejected the Indian claim of targeting alleged hideouts of terrorists in Balakot, said a declaration issued after a special meeting held in response to Indian violation of the LOC at PM House on Tuesday. The meeting was attended by Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Finance, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, COAS, CNS, CAS and other civil and military officials. The forum strongly rejected Indian claim of targeting an alleged terrorist camp near Balakot and the claim of heavy casualties. “Once again Indian government has resorted to a self-serving, reckless and fictitious claim. This action has been done for domestic consumption being in election environment, putting regional peace and stability at grave risk,” he said. The claimed area of strike is open for the world to see the facts on ground. For this, domestic and international the media is being taken to the impact site. The forum concluded that India has committed uncalled for aggression to which Pakistan shall respond at the time and place of its choosing. To take the nation on board, the government has decided to requisition joint session of the Parliament. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=1Rpmj3NGjTU Meanwhile, PM Imran Khan has summoned a special meeting of National Command Authority (NCA) on Feb 27. The PM has directed that elements of national power including the Armed Forces and the people of Pakistan to remain prepared for all eventualities. He also decided to engage with global leadership to expose irresponsible Indian policy in the region. The PM appreciated timely and effective response of the PAF to repulse Indian attempt without any loss of life or property.