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Opposition in Senate rejects JIT on Sahiwal incident

Opposition in Senate rejects JIT on Sahiwal incident
January 21, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The opposition parties in the Senate have rejected the joint investigation team (JIT) on the Sahiwal incident. Speaking in the House on Monday, PPP Senator Sherry Rehman said that the JIT formed by the government is tantamount to concealing the facts. Rejecting the government stance, she demanded the government should make the responsible public. “The government has continuously been changing the stance on the Sahiwal tragedy. The incident was planned and extra-judicial killings should be stopped,” she said. The PPP senator said that the Punjab government had declared the victims as terrorists. “If they were terrorists, was there no option except to open fire on them. Now people are asking whether we should come out of the houses with children or not,” she said. Sherry demanded the government should disclose the matter if it was suspicious. She demanded that the government should reply to the matter by tomorrow. Senator Usman Kakar said that those giving the intelligence information should be given an exemplary punishment. “The incident would have not occurred had Rao Anwaar been punished,” he said. The Senate Standing Committee on Interior Committee has also rejected the formation of a joint investigation team (JIT) on the Sahiwal incident. It demanded a judicial commission on the issue.