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Pakistan asks UN chief to call on India to comply with UNSC resolutions

Pakistan asks UN chief to call on India to comply with UNSC resolutions
August 8, 2019
NEW YORK (92 News) – Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to United Nations Maleeha Lodhi asked the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to call on India to comply with UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. In a tweet following her meeting with Maria Louisa, chief of staff of UN secretary general in New York, Maleeha has urged the UN secretary to play his due role in the crisis sparked by India’s unlawful action in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). The Pakistani envoy said during the meeting, she raised voice about the violations of UN Security Council resolutions by India. He also asked the UN Chief to call on India to comply with UN Security Council resolutions. “As the UN Sec Gen is away, I met Maria Louisa Ribeiro Viotti, his chief of staff today, and asked for the UN chief to play his due role in the crisis sparked by India’s unlawful action in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and call on India to comply with UN Security Council resolutions,” Maleeha tweeted.
Maleeha briefs UNSC president over India’s illegal actions in IoK
A day earlier, Maleeha Lodhi has apprised UNSC President Joanna Wronecka about the grave threat to regional peace and security posed by India’s illegal actions in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). In a tweet on Wednesday, she said that during a meeting in New York, she briefed her in detail about the violations of UN Security Council resolutions by India. “I met the President of the UN Security Council Joanna Wronecka Tuesday afternoon at the UN to apprise her about the grave threat to regional peace and security posed by India’s illegal actions in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and its violations of SC resolutions,” Maleeha tweeted. Earlier, the Indian government rushed through a presidential decree to scrap a special status for Indian-held Jammu Kashmir, hours after imposing a major security clampdown in the region. Amit Shah has announced to abrogate Articles 370 and 35A from its constitution, which gives special status and rights to the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.