Sunday, September 29, 2024

Queen Elizabeth joined by Princess Eugenie for Maundy service at Windsor

Queen Elizabeth joined by Princess Eugenie for Maundy service at Windsor
April 19, 2019
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Queen Elizabeth attended the Maundy service on Thursday accompanied by her granddaughter Princess Eugenie, where the monarch distributed coins to pensioners, an ancient tradition ahead of Easter. Maundy Thursday is a Christian holy day and the queen, who turns 93 on Sunday, attends the annual service at different venues around the country.
This year she went to St George’s Chapel in Windsor, where Eugenie was married in October, a few months after Prince Harry wed American actress Meghan Markle there. The monarch gave out Maundy money to 93 men and 93 women, senior citizens recognized for their work in the local community and for the church. They each received two small purses. A red one had a five pound coin marking 200 years since Queen Victoria’s birth and a 50 pence coin depicting fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. A white purse contained specially-minted 1,2,3, and 4 silver penny pieces that totaled the queen’s age.
Queen Elizabeth owns how many swans? Annual count gets underway
Earlier, an 800-year-old tradition of counting the swans owned by Britain’s Queen Elizabeth started on Monday, an annual ceremony of “swan upping” that in modern times has become a means of wildlife conservation.
The upping sees three teams — one representing the queen and the others the old trade associations of the Vintners and Dyers — patrol the River Thames in south England over five days to capture, tag and release any families of swans with young. The upping dates back to the 12th century when the English crown first claimed ownership of all mute swans, then considered a delicacy that would be served at royal banquets. Britons no longer eat swans and the birds are protected by law. Last year’s count showed there were 132 new cygnets on the Thames, reversing a declining trend in previous uppings. The queen’s team of uppers, in red shirts emblazoned with her royal logo, were directed on Monday by a “swan marker” wearing a gold-embroidered ceremonial blazer, David Barber. “The law states that the queen can own any swan swimming in open waters if she so wishes, but she mainly exercises that right on the River Thames,” Barber said. “Today swan upping is about conservation and education,” he continued. Schools were invited to view the upping at close quarters, during which the birds are ringed with individual identification numbers for conservation purposes.