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Sheikh Rasheed predicts Pakistan, India war in Nov or Dec

Sheikh Rasheed predicts Pakistan, India war in Nov or Dec
August 28, 2019
RAWALPINDI (92 News) – Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rasheed predicted the war between Pakistan and India in upcoming November or December on Wednesday. Addressing a ceremony in Rawalpindi, the minister said that the people who think there is room for negotiation with India are fools. “I can foresee a war between Pakistan and India in November or December.” He said that those think that there is still room for dialogues are foolish. "The UNSC is not resolving the Kashmir issue. Had it been serious plebescite would have been held in Occupied Valley," he said. The minister said that Pakistan should support the Kashmiris whether any country support or not otherwise the history would not pardon them.

UNSC not serious to resolve Kashmir issue

The railways minister has also said that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is not serious to resolve the Kashmir issue. “The UN Security Council is not resolving the Kashmir issue, if it is serious then the vote would have been done now,” he added.

World should shun its silence on Kashmir issue

Expressing solidarity with Kashmiri people, Shiekh Rasheed said India is no longer a secular country but fascist Modi is promoting Hindutva and Hindu terrorism there. He demanded that the world community should shun its silence on festering Kashmir issue. “Modi sees Pakistan as the only obstacle in the way of India's hegemonic designs in the region and beyond,” he maintained.

Every Pakistani should support Kashmir cause

The federal minister said that Kashmiri people have been rendering sacrifices over the last seven decades for their right to self-determination. “The people of Kashmir are looking towards Pakistan and we need to rise above our differences and stand shoulder to shoulder with them otherwise the history will never be forgiven,” he said. Shiekh Rasheed said the entire Pakistani nation stands by their Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for right to self-determination. He said the people will turn out in big numbers on Friday to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people on the call of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Earlier, Sheikh Rasheed warned India that If Pakistan was attacked then topography of subcontinent would be transformed. Addressing a Kashmir Rally in Muzaffarabad, the minister said that all political leadership of the country is on the same page for the resolution of Kashmir issue. He also said the foolishness and fascism of Modi will destroy him and his country. Sheikh Rasheed said India has a well-thought out plan to colonize Kashmir in order to give a message to Muslims living in other parts of India that they will have to accept the supremacy of Hindu majority. He said if India tried any misadventure against Azad Kashmir, it will be considered war on Pakistan which will be fully responded to. “Listen Rajnath Singh! Muslim has desire in every rein of embracing martyrdom. During the time of any upcoming war, the nation will be with Pakistan Army,” he clarified.