Saturday, September 21, 2024

Three members of same family dead during road accident in Sahiwal

Three members of same family dead during road accident in Sahiwal
January 4, 2019
SAHIWAL (92 News) – Three members of a same family were killed and in a traffic accident in Sahiwal Friday morning. As per details garnered, the accident happened due to overspeeding when a car and a bus collided. However, the car-bus collision leaves three lives dead and four injured. The deceased were all from the same family and were travelling home after attending a wedding in Sialkot. Among the deceased were Kishwar Bibi, 43, Aqeel, 25, and Naveed, 12, whereas 12-year-old Mariyam, 15-year-old Hasnain, and a married couple — 21- and 29-year-old Iqra and Kashif, respectively — were severely wounded. It was also reported that the accident was occurred due to the fog. The bodies and injured persons were taken to the DHQ Hospital. Doctors at the hospital say the people injured in the accident are no longer in critical condition.
‘Killer’ fog causes deadly accidents in different places across country
Earlier on Sunday, the foggy weather caused deadly accidents in different places of the country. At least nine people were killed as truck collided with a car on the Indus Highway near Rojahn. Sindh police and rescue 1122 team reached the spot and shifted to the nearby hospital but eight family members of same family succumbed to injuries. According to details, one male, four females and three children were among dead, however, the truck driver was shifted to the hospital in critical condition. The accident occurred as an over speeding truck rammed into a car. Police has initiated probe of the incident.