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Topography of subcontinent to be changed if Pakistan attacked, Rasheed warns India

Topography of subcontinent to be changed if Pakistan attacked, Rasheed warns India
August 25, 2019
MUZAFFARABAD (92 News) – Minister for Railways Sheikh Rasheed on Sunday warned India that If Pakistan was attacked then topography of subcontinent would be transformed. Addressing a Kashmir Rally in Muzaffarabad, the minister said that all political leadership of the country is on the same page for the resolution of Kashmir issue. He also said the foolishness and fascism of Modi will destroy him and his country. Sheikh Rasheed said India has a well-thought out plan to colonize Kashmir in order to give a message to Muslims living in other parts of India that they will have to accept the supremacy of Hindu majority. He said if India tried any misadventure against Azad Kashmir, it will be considered war on Pakistan which will be fully responded to. “Listen Rajnath Singh! Muslim has desire in every rein of embracing martyrdom. During the time of any upcoming war, the nation will be with Pakistan Army,” he clarified. Commenting on the Pakistan’s missile defence system as a means of protecting the state’s sovereignty and recalled immense difficulties the entire nation suffered from for attaining nuclear ballistic missiles. The minister mentioned that now the time has come to creation of Pakistan with its completeness as Kashmir will be part of Pakistan. He also termed that the possible war between Pakistan and India would be as a matter of fact a fight of subcontinent. “We haven’t kept our sparklers and species for Shab-e-Barat. We will defend our motherland at every cost and ruin the India’s dream of ruling the South Asia,” he said. he also warned that the Topography of subcontinent will be altered if India tried any misadventure against Pakistan. The railways minister said the issue has been highlighted once again at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Earlier, a US think-tank has warned that the specter of nuclear war haunts tensions between Pakistan and India, and the disputed territory of Kashmir could provide the spark that lights South Asia’s nuclear fuse. According a report by Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence platform based in Austin, Texas, also disputes the classification of Kashmir issue as India’s internal affair or a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan. “It isn’t. A potential nuc­lear conflagration cannot be anything other than a matter of international peace and security,” the report warns.