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Trump vows to end right to citizenship for babies born of non-citizens in US

Trump vows to end right to citizenship for babies born of non-citizens in US
October 30, 2018
WASHINGTON (92 News) – US President Donald Trump has announced that he planned to terminate the right to citizenship for babies born on US soil to non-citizens. According to the foreign media, the US president, who is taking an increasingly hard-line stance on immigration, said the process to end birthright citizenship by executive order is underway, and denied such a fundamental change would need the input of congress. “It was always told to me you need a constitutional amendment,” Trump told. “Guess what, you don't.” “You can definitely do it with an act of congress, but now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order,” the president continued. Asked if he had consulted White House lawyers about such a contentious move, Trump said he had and that it was in the process, and it will happen. “A person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous and it has to end,” he said.