Friday, September 20, 2024

181 terrorists sent to hell in 7,745 operations from April 1 to June 10: ISPR

181 terrorists sent to hell in 7,745 operations from April 1 to June 10: ISPR
June 12, 2024 Web Desk

RAWALPINDI (92 News) - As many as 181 terrorists have been sent to hell in 7,745 operations conducted by security forces, who are determined to eliminating the menace of terrorism from the country, from April 1 to June 10.

According to the ISPR, 2,701 operations were conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 4,902 in Balochistan and 142 in Sindh. During these operations, 181 terrorists were sent to hell. As many as 128 terrorists were killed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 51 in Balochistan and two in Sindh. In May, 12 terrorists were killed in Balochistan while 42 were killed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 61 terrorists were arrested from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan during this month.

Owing to the timely action of the security forces, the banned terrorist organization TTP failed in its nefarious designs in the urban areas. To cover up its failure, the TTP forced and targeted the poor people of the tribal areas for kidnapping for ransom and target killing.

Besides, at least 20 infiltration attempts in Bajaur, Dir and Chitral areas were thwarted due to timely intelligence. A TTP network targeting Chinese citizens has been bushed in Besham. The terrorists involved in the Besham attack are facing cases in the courts.

Security forces ambushed the terrorists during infiltration from the Zhob border in which seven terrorists were killed and two others arrested. Twelve terrorists were ambushed in an intelligence-based operation in DI Khan and Tank.

About 19 terrorists were killed during an intelligence-based operation in North Waziristan. Security forces conducted an intelligence-based operation and raid in Sheikh Badin area of ​​Lakki Marwat and arrested 11 terrorists. Security forces also foiled an infiltration attempt in Pishin and Qila Abdullah in Balochistan in which five terrorists were killed and one arrested.

During the last month, two suicide bombers, including an Afghan citizen, were arrested along with their handlers while infiltrating and their suicide jackets were also recovered. During the successful operation, the security forces recovered a large quantity of arms, ammunition, explosives, including four suicide jackets and 14 IEDs, from Balochistan.

In Quetta, security forces foiled TTP's big plan to carry out attacks during Muharram and eliminated the terrorist network. The TTP leadership has become distraught and panicked by the attacks by the security forces. With the full support of the nation, the security forces are determined to eradicate terrorism from Pakistan. There is no place for the TTP or any other terrorist group on the soil of Pakistan.