Thursday, October 10, 2024

Another Indian conspiracy to suppress voice of Kashmiris exposed

Another Indian conspiracy to suppress voice of Kashmiris exposed
August 18, 2019
SRINAGAR (92 News) – Another conspiracy of Indian government’s four point plan to suppress the voice of the people from Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) has been exposed. Narendra Modi’s government prepared plan to give free hand to their troops – deployed in Indian held Jammu Kashmir – to impose brutalities against the movement of innocent people of occupied valley for independence. The Indian media reported that after the lockdown and communications blackout in Occupied Kashmir since August 5, Modi government prepared long-term strategy involved four point tactics to take possession of Occupied Kashmir According to the first point, key political leaders including Hurriyat and other mainstream Kashmiri politicians will be detained and house arrests will continue permanent basis. The second section stated that the innocent protesters and stone-throwers (against Indian firing and barbarism) will only be released after signing a “community bonds” by their 20 family members and acquaintances that they will ensure they do not do it again. The third point mentioned that the Indian troops will be given full authority against Kashmiri people involved in freedom movement and forces will review the security of border and Line of Control (LoC). In the fourth point, the government will identify and monitor religious leaders. Authorities will deal harshly with any such person and immediately arrest them. In occupied Kashmir, the curfew and communication blackout continues on the 14th consecutive day, on Sunday, as internet and telephone links are snapped and media is gagged since August 5. The Indian government had snapped television, telephone and internet links to prevent demonstrations against its decision of revoking Article 370 of the Indian Constitution that granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir. India had revoked Article 370 on Monday (August 5). Before that, the occupation authorities had clamped an unprecedented communications blackout on the territory and arrested many political leaders. Meanwhile, the Indian authorities continue to clamp curfew and other restrictions across occupied Kashmir by converting it into a military garrison and a big concentration camp by deploying Indian troops and police personnel in every nook and corner of the territory. With Internet services and telephone lines snapped across occupied Kashmir, there is no contact of the external world with the residents of the territory. Local newspaper even failed to update their online editions since the night of August 04. Majority of newspapers could also not be printed during all these days due to curfew and other restrictions. Almost all Hurriyat leaders, including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, have been put under house arrest or in jails. Due to severe blockade, the people of the Kashmir valley are facing acute shortage of essential commodities including baby food and life-saving medicines.