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Denial of self-determination to Kashmiris violation of UN Charter: Maleeha

Denial of self-determination to Kashmiris violation of UN Charter: Maleeha
April 25, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Pakistan has told the UN General Assembly that the continued denial of the right to self-determination to the people of Indian-held Jammu Kashmir (IHK) was not only a travesty of justice, but also an “egregious violation” of the UN Charter. Addressing a special meeting of the 193-member Assembly to commemorate the “International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace”, Pakistan’s Ambassador to UN Maleeha Lodhi urged the international community to stand united against any attempts to undermine the sanctity of the UN Charter or to reinterpret its fundamental provisions to suit narrow aims. “If the primacy of ‘we the peoples’ is to be more than just words,” Ambassador Lodhi underscored, the fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter must be ensured to all peoples. She also pointed to a growing tendency in the world by some to erode well-established norms of international law, including respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states, and the prohibition of the use of force.
Pakistani envoy warns against unilateralism
Warning against unilateralism, the Pakistani envoy said that the only alternative to a rules-based global order was global disorder. In the increasingly interconnected world, international cooperation is imperative, she asserted, underpinned by the core values of mutual respect and tolerance.
Frustration into a rejection of international order
“After all global challenges require global responses and solutions. Across many parts of the world, a conflation of economic distress and nationalistic passions has found refuge in a populist discourse that seeks to turn a widespread sense of resentment and frustration into a rejection of the international order,” Maleeha said. “These doubts needed to be pushed back by a stronger commitment by the international community to multilateralism,” she added.
Maleeha urges greater commitment to fundamental tenets charter
The Pakistani envoy described the UN as the most sublime expression of multilateralism, and urged a greater commitment to the fundamental tenets of its Charter. The UN Charter, Ambassador Lodhi stressed, was not only an instrument of security against the horrors of war; it was also an instrument of hope against privations of injustice and oppression.
Economic distress spawns deprivations
She made a strong pitch to mainstream the right to development as a basic human right. After all, she said, economic distress spawns the deprivations that translate into disenchantment with multilateral institutions. She stressed that the UN must also be fully imbued with the democratic spirit of our times and be representative of the aspirations of all member states – small, medium and large.
UN has common stake in ending conflicts
“We have a common stake in ending conflicts, fostering peace, fighting terrorism, strengthening democracy, promoting human rights and overcoming the challenges of Climate Change”, she said, and concluded that these goal she could be achieved only through strict adherence to the principles of UN Charter.
Multilateral arrangements established after 2nd World War: UN chief
In a message on the occasion, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pointed out that for nearly 75 years, multilateral arrangements established after the Second World War have saved lives, expanded economic and social progress, upheld human rights and, not least, helped to prevent a third descent into global conflagration. Citing international law, the advancement of gender equality, environmental protection and limiting the proliferation of lethal weapons and deadly disease, he said that multilateralism and diplomacy have a proven record of service to people everywhere.
Peace, development &human rights are three pillars of UN Charter
As multilateralism and international cooperation are underpinned in the UN Charter and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development it is fundamental to preserve their values to promote and support the three pillars of the UN, namely peace and security, development and human rights.