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History will not spare India, blank pages will speak loudly: Ali Geelani

History will not spare India, blank pages will speak loudly: Ali Geelani
August 25, 2019
SRINAGAR (92 News) – Condemning the Indian brutalities in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Chairman Syed Ali Geelani said that history will never forgive India and “every blank page would speak loudly the facts”. The Hurriyat leader wrote a letter for Kashmiri people and he chalked out a five-point plan of action against the Indian aggression. He said that the oppressors might try to hide reality, but history will not spare anyone. The blank pages will speak loudly. Geelani called on Kashmiris to hold peaceful protests and observed that IoK’s autonomy has been stripped to change Kashmir’s demography and make it one of India’s colonies. “Not only have they blocked the entire communication systems used by common people since about the beginning of the month, but they have also gagged local reportage and news media without any formal declaration,” he said. “No news about the brutalities and repression of the Indian armed forces, killings, and arrests of thousands of youth are being published. Common people are unable to know about their kith and kin,” he maintained. The APHC chairman said that despite India’s attempts to mask its atrocities not only the international community but voices within India have denounced the Kashmir move, history will also never forgive India. “Courage, patience, and discipline are those weapons of a defenseless people which can defeat the enemy with howsoever enormous an arsenal,” Geelani explained. Highlighting the irony behind the world’s largest democracy’s undemocratic move, Ali Geelani said it was unfortunate that instead of mourning this murder of democracy, the people of India have celebrated the decisions of their government. In the five-point agenda, the APHC has asked all Kashmiris to continue resistance by holding peaceful protests. He said government officials and bureaucrats must realise that they were oppressing their own people and were being used by the Indian state. “The long-standing agents of India and the opportunist merchants of the Kashmiri people’s sacrifices were shown their true dispensable worth and put into protective custody.” “Even those who would never tire of flaunting their pro-India credentials and ties to the Indian system have realized that the Indian State does not care about the lives of Kashmiri people, but is only interested in occupying our land whatsoever the cost,” he added. “The rulers from Delhi are drunk in power and arrogance of majoritarianism and they have snatched away all percepts of humanity, ethics, and democracy.” Geelani implored Kashmiris living outside of IOK to take part in the freedom movement. He also called on Pakistan and Muslims around the world to join in the struggle of the Kashmiri people. “The Indian state’s occupation and its machinations are as hurtful for the Muslims of the Kashmir valley as for Jammu’s Dogra community; as against the interests of the Muslims of Pir Panjal and Kargil as for the Buddhists of Ladakh,” the statement went on to say. History History