Monday, September 30, 2024

Indian troops martyr 13 Kashmiris in April

Indian troops martyr 13 Kashmiris in April
May 1, 2019
SRINAGAR (92 News) – In Indian-held Jammu Kahsmir (IHK), Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 13 Kashmiris including a young boy during the last month. According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), today, these killings rendered one woman widowed and two children orphaned. During the month, 132 people were critically injured due to the firing of pellets, bullets and teargas shells by Indian police and paramilitary personnel on peaceful demonstrators in the occupied territory. At least 182 civilians, mostly youth and Hurriyat leaders and activists, were arrested and several of them were booked under black law Public Safety Act. The troops after barging into residential houses molested at least six women and ransacked and damaged 20 houses during the period.
Indian army using civilians as human shields in IOK: Report
 Indian Army is using civilians as human shields during cordon and search operations in IHK. A report published by a renowned international news agency the Reuters, said that hundreds of Indian soldiers descended on the scenic village of Pinglan in Pulwama district of occupied Kashmir on February 17. The report said Indian soldiers left 18 hours later, four Kashmiris martyred, a row of houses was reduced to rubble, an unexploded missile had been planted in a rice field, and more than 120 villagers had sought treatment for exposure to teargas, beatings, and in some cases mental trauma. The report said representative of the news organization spent two days in Pinglan and interviews with more than 60 eyewitnesses indicate that soldiers forced villagers to act as human shields.
Indian police arrest several people during raids in Pulwama
In IHK, Indian police and troops continuing their massive crackdown arrested several people during raids in different areas of Pulwama district. According to media reports, at least 19 more Kashmiris were picked up by the forces’ personnel from Gudoora, Newa and Parigam areas of the district during the fresh raids. These arrests come just days ahead of the so-called Indian parliamentary elections in Pulwama and Shopian districts of south Kashmir to be held on Monday. Meanwhile, Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 13 Kashmiris including a young boy during the last month. According to Kashmir Media Service, these killings rendered one woman widowed and two children orphaned. The troops after barging into residential houses molested at least six women and ransacked and damaged 20 houses during the period.