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Khattak once again extends offer of dialogue to India

Khattak once again extends offer of dialogue to India
March 1, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The political leaders on Friday, during the joint session of Parliament, condemned the Indian aggression against Pakistan. Speaking in the joint session of the Parliament, Minister of Defence Pervaiz Khattak once again extended an offer of dialogue to India for resolution of all disputes. “Pakistan is peace loving country and does not want war for the sake of regional peace and prosperity,” he added. “Pakistan is not behind the Pulwama incident. He said accusing Pakistan for this is the biggest lies of the century. Pakistan armed forces have always given sacrifices for the country and they will continue to do so. We are proud of our forces which responded to the India cowardly act in the broad day light,” the defence minister asserted. “Our forces are fully capable to give a befitting response to any aggression,” Khattak said. He warned if India again resorted to aggression, our response will be such that the history will remember. Pervaiz Khattak said peace will remain elusive till the resolution of Kashmir dispute. He said war is not solution to any problem and matters can be sorted only through dialogue. On the occasion, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhary said there is national consensus in Pakistan against war but regretted that the same is not visible in India. He said reports were emanating since last December from India that Modi wants to create tension with Pakistan ahead of the general elections. Fawad Chaudhry said that Foreign Minister and the Foreign Office very timely apprised the P-5 countries about the nefarious intensions of India. He said India should have done an introspection of Pulwama incident as it happened in the area where India has broken all records of atrocities and oppression. The minister lamented that instead of doing introspection, India put the blame of the incident on Pakistan without realizing that Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism and rendered seventy thousand lives in the war on terror. The information minister said that Prime Minister has played the role of statesman in the current situation. He said today India is divided while there is complete unity in Pakistan. He said any conflict between the two countries will be disastrous. Fawad said the entire nation is proud of the armed force including Pakistan Air Force for the way it dealt with the current situation. He said we fully stand behind our forces. Talking on the floor, Finance Minister Asad Umar said that Pakistan has always tried to ensure peace and stability in the region. He said India through its belligerence cannot cow down Pakistan. He said India is also facing failure in Occupied Kashmir. He said that it is a matter of great satisfaction that our political forces stand united at this critical juncture while clear wedge is visible in the ranks of Indian political forces. The finance minister said Pakistan’s economy is strong enough to defend the country’s sovereignty. He said despite tension in relation with India, our economic indicators remained positive during the last week. He said that exports witnessed an upsurge while the stock market is also seeing bullish trend.