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Medical board recommends Nawaz Sharif’s admission to hospital

Medical board recommends Nawaz Sharif’s admission to hospital
January 23, 2019
LAHORE (92 News) – A four-member medical board has recommended that the imprisoned former prime minister Nawaz Sharif should be admitted to hospital. He is suffering from heart, blood pressure, sugar, kidney and lever disorders. Nawaz Sharif’s personal doctor has also expressed concern over his health. He said that former prime minister is not properly being treated despite recommendation of the board. A PIC board comprising Prof Dr Shahid Hameed, Professor of Cardiology, (chairman), Dr Sajjad Ahmed, Associate Professor of Cardiology and Dr Hamid Khalil, Assistant Professor of Cardiology had conducted tests of Nawaz Sharif in jail. According to the board’s report, Nawaz Sharif has vague symptoms of pain in both arms, particularly at night and numbness of toes. It said: “Patient Nawaz Sharif, 69, is a known case of diabetes mellitus and hypertension for the last 10 years. He is also known case of Ischemic heart disease since 2001. He can walk 45 minutes without any significant symptoms. He denied any symptoms of dizziness, pre-syncope or syncope. His haemodynamics were also within normal limits. He is on dual antiplatelets, beta blocker, amlodipine, ARB’S and statins with anti-diabetics treatment.” The report stated that Nawaz Sharif underwent Coronary Angioplasty (PCI) twice in 2001 and 2017. “He also had open heart surgery twice in 2011 and 2016. Nawaz Sharif, who is serving seven-year imprisonment in the Al-Azizia Steel Mills case in Kot Lakhpat Jail, was brought to the PIC in tight security. PML-N workers gathered outside the hospital and chanted slogans in favour of their leader when he was taken back to the jail. Expressing concern about her father’s health, Maryam tweeted: “My only source of information on what is happening to my father is media only.” PML-N president Shahbaz Sharif has has also shown concern at the health of his elder brother.