Sunday, September 22, 2024

Nawaz Sharif be shifted to hospital having all cardiac facilities: medical board

Nawaz Sharif be shifted to hospital having all cardiac facilities: medical board
February 8, 2019
LAHORE (92 News) – Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, a convict in the Al-Azizia reference, should be shifted to a hospital having all facilities about heart problems, recommended the six-member special medical board. According to the board recommendations of received by 92 News, the Thalium scan test of Nawaz Sharif had shown the angina issue. “Nawaz Sharif needs a heart specialist permanently,” the board proposed. The board members suggested that history and recent medical reports of Nawaz Sharif should also be kept in mind. “The recent condition of Nawaz Sharif may also be discussed with former doctor of Nawaz Sharif,” they recommended. According to the board, some medicines of Nawaz Sharif have been changed, while others have been increased. “The blood pressure and sugar level of Nawaz Sharif is under control. However, charts of blood pressure and sugar level should be made,” they suggested. The special medical board also recommended that Nawaz Sharif should use less salt, fat and protein products. The board recommendations had been sent to the Interior Ministry. Later, it was proposed to shift Nawaz Sharif to Punjab Institute of Cardiology. But Nawaz Sharif refused to go to PIC and later he was shifted to jail.