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OIC shows concern over HRs violations in IoK

OIC shows concern over HRs violations in IoK
September 4, 2019
JEDDAH (92 News) – Strongly condemning the continuation of inhuman curfew and communication blackout in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) showed concerns over human rights (HRs) violations in IoK. According to a press release issued by Jeddah office, the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission also called on India to immediately lift the curfew and communication blackout and restore fundamental freedoms and civil liberties in IoK. It also urged the Indian government to grant access to the UN and OIC fact-finding missions to visit the held valley to independently and objectively ascertain the human rights situation on the ground. Earlier, the OIC reaffirmed the United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSC) on the internationally recognized status of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) dispute and its final resolution through a UN supervised plebiscite. In a declaration, the OIC General Secretariat said that it was following with concern developments in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir as a result of the unilateral decision taken by India on August 5, revoking Constitutional Article 370, thereby removing its special status. Recalling the OIC Summit decisions and Council of Foreign Ministers resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir, the General Secretariat reiterated the solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir. “It calls for the immediate lifting of the curfew, restoration of communication and the respect for the fundamental rights of Kashmiris,” the declaration said. Recognizing the centrality of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India and the need for seeking a durable and just solution according to the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, the OIC General Secretariat stressed the need for the resumption of dialogue process between Pakistan and India, which is a prerequisite for development, peace and stability in South Asia. e urged the world countries to take steps toward resolving the Kashmir problem in the light of the United Nations resolutions.