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Pakistan not involved in Pulwama attack in any way: Pervez Musharraf

Pakistan not involved in Pulwama attack in any way: Pervez Musharraf
February 21, 2019
DUBAI (92 News) – Former president Pervez Musharraf has said that no doubt the Pulwama attack is very dangerous, but Pakistan is not involved in it in any way. In an interview with an Indian channel on Wednesday, the former army chief said that he endorses Imran Khan’s stance on Pulwama attack. The former president said that Imran Khan has no sympathy with the banned outfit Jaish-e-Muhammad. “India considers itself a champion of democracy, but it is narrow-minded.” Pervez Musharraf said that India should not misunderstand the defence capability of Pakistan. “India should think what it is doing in the Occupied Kashmir,” he said. He said that the Kashmir dispute should be resolved according to the resolutions of the United Nations. “Those fighting for their right to self-determination cannot be terrorists,” he said. “Indian threats to Pakistan will not work and it has to resolve the issue.” The former army chief warned that it will be a big mistake of India if it attacked Pakistan. “Pulwama-like incidents could again occur if India did not stop cruelties,” he said.