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Pakistan rejects Indian allegation of its involvement in Pulwama attack

Pakistan rejects Indian allegation of its involvement in Pulwama attack
February 15, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) — Pakistan has categorically rejected the Indian allegation of its involvement in the Pulwama attack in Occupied Kashmir. Foreign Office Spokesman Dr Muhammad Faisal, in a statement, said that the Pulwama attack in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir is a matter of grave concern. “We have always condemned heightened acts of violence in the Valley. We strongly reject any insinuation by elements in the Indian government and media circles that seek to link the attack to the State of Pakistan without investigations,” he said. Federal Minister Naeemul Haq said that they reject the Indian allegation of linking the Pulwama attack to Pakistan. Senator Rehman Malik said that Modi will continue to play stunts till election in India. “We will have to remain alert in coming days,” he said. "Modi’s India is escalating its response to a heinous #KashmirTerrorAttack by premising Pakistan’s hand in it. Yet Islamabad makes no gains from such an attack," she pointed out. "Instead of a political response to years of brutal repression in Kashmir, hysteria is being amplified against Pakistan."
India withdraws Most Favoured Nation status for Pakistan
India on Friday announced the withdrawal of Most Favoured Nation status for Pakistan. The move followed a cabinet meeting during which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was briefed on a recent attack on Indian security forces in occupied Kashmir, in which 44 paramilitary soldiers were killed. Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that Modi's cabinet had decided to initiate steps to ensure complete diplomatic isolation of Pakistan. "The MFN status that had been granted to Pakistan stands withdrawn," he added. In the World Trade Organization (WTO), this status means non-discrimination — treating virtually everyone equally. "The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) will initiate all possible steps ─ and I'm referring to [...] diplomatic steps ─ which have to be taken to ensure the complete isolation from the international community of Pakistan," Jaitley said on Friday, adding that there is "incontrovertible evidence" of Pakistan "having a direct hand in this gruesome terrorist incident". "We strongly reject any insinuation by elements in the Indian media and government that seek to link the attack to Pakistan without investigations," the spokesperson had asserted. Meanwhile, Modi, while speaking at an event on Friday, said the country will give a “strong response” to this attack. The “blood of the people is boiling” and forces behind the act of terrorism will be definitely be punished, he was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times. Without naming Pakistan, PM Modi claimed “if our neighbour, which is totally isolated in the world and thinks it can destabilise India through its tactics and conspiracies, then it is making a huge mistake”. Even though the investigation is in its preliminary stages, the US singled out Pakistan in its statement late Thursday night condemning the attack. “The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region,” the statement from the White House press secretary’s office said, according to AP. It said the attack strengthened US resolve to bolster counterterrorism cooperation with India.