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Pakistan, Saudia can utilize OIC for strengthening of Muslim Ummah: PM

Pakistan, Saudia can utilize OIC for strengthening of Muslim Ummah: PM
February 17, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan has said that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia can utilize the platform of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for the strengthening of Muslim Ummah. In an interview with Jeddah based Saudi daily newspaper, the prime minister also said that Islamic united force is best step of the Saudi Arabia. He also mentioned that the two brotherly countries can also exert their influence in facilitating peace process in Afghanistan and for the strengthening of Muslim Ummah to utilize the platform of the OIC. PM Khan said that Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman’s visit to Pakistan is a manifestation of the strength of bilateral and economic relationship. He termed that during the visit of the crown prince main highlight will be the signing of the MoU in respect of the oil refinery, which is Saudi Arabia's largest investment in Pakistan's history. The premier said in the diplomatic sphere, the two nations can join hands effectively to mobilize the international community for amicable resolution of festering disputes such as Kashmir and Palestine. He said the two brotherly countries can also exert their influence in facilitating peace process in Afghanistan to utilize the platform of the OIC. To a question about the Houthis aggression against Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister said Saudi Arabia is very close to our heart in every respect and Pakistan will not allow anyone to attack Saudi Arabia. He said Pakistan will always stand with Saudi Arabia whenever it faces a threat in any form to its security and sovereignty. In an interview with Saudi TV, PM Imran Khan has expressed optimism that Pakistan will overcome its economic challenges soon. He said Saudi Arabia, UAE and China have given generous support to Pakistan in hour of need. He said Pakistan is ready to play its role in mediating between Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran. The Prime Minister emphasized that peace in Afghanistan will bring stability and prosperity in the region. He said Pakistan was known as a peaceful country before Afghan conflict. Imran Khan said Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman is a reformer and he is taking steps to turn his country into a modern and forward looking nation.