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Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting in Abu Dhabi: Qureshi

Pakistan will not attend OIC meeting in Abu Dhabi: Qureshi
March 2, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday announced that Pakistan will not attend a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) being hosted by the United Arab Emirates on March 1-2. This was stated by Shah Mehmood Qureshi while addressing to the joint parliament session of the Parliament under Speaker Asad Qaiser continued for a second day today on Indian aggression against Pakistan. FM Qureshi pointed out that India is not member of the OIC, adding that the OIC has invited India without any consultation with Pakistan. “India is neither a member nor an observer of the OIC,” he mentioned. The minister clarified that he sent two letters, the latest only yesterday, to the UAE calling upon the body to withdraw its invitation to the Indian foreign minister. He informed the Parliament that he requested the OIC to either rescind the invitation or postpone the session in view of the prevailing situation, neither of which was done. “I have decided not to attend OIC Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Abu Dhabi,” Qureshi confirmed. He reiterated that Pakistan will not attend the session in the wake of protest against the OIC’s decision to invite Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj to attend the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Abu Dhabi. Terming the UAE has always helped Pakistan in difficult times, the foreign minister noted with regret that despite Pakistan’s protest, the OIC's invitation to Swaraj was not rescinded. “Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying to change constitution of India. He [Modi] is exploiting killing of Indian soldiers for upcoming elections. Several Indian political parties are well aware of Modi’s policy,” he termed. Shah Mahmood Qureshi strongly condemned the war hysteria created by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said Modi is so desperate that he can do anything to get re-elected. He said the opposition parties in India are themselves are criticizing the Modi for using Military and the killings of its personnel for political purpose. Qureshi said that Turkey which is also an important member of OIC also termed the invitation to Indian External Affairs Minister as unacceptable and said that they will play their role in this regard. The minister also welcomed the remarks made by the US President Donald Trump that his country will play its role to defuse the tension between Pakistan and India. Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Prime Minister Imran Khan had announced to release Indian pilot as a peace gesture yesterday and he will be handed over the Indian authority at Wagha Border later, today.
UN, Russia offers to play role as mediator between Pak, India
He also said that The Russia offered to become mediator for negotiations between Pakistan and India. He added that the UN secretary general also offered to play role as mediator to resolve the problem of Pakistan and India. Briefing the House about his contacts with different world leaders, the minister said the UN Security General has made an offer for mediation between the two countries. He said Pakistan has no objection to it. He invited the UN Security General to visit Pakistan and the region, and witness himself the situation and play his role to defuse it. He said his Russian counterpart has also offered to play the role of a platform for talks between Pakistan and India. He said Pakistan is ready for talks to deescalate the situation. The 46th session of the OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers is being hosted by the UAE in Abu Dhabi on March 1-2, under the title “50 Years of Islamic Cooperation: Road Map for Prosperity and Development.” Taking part in the debate, Leader of House in Senate Shibli Faraz said that Pakistan Air Force’s response to the Indian aggression has proved that our armed forces are fully prepared to defend the homeland. He said Pakistan has always played a responsible role for peace and stability in the region. However, he regretted that Modi Junta is cultivating the seeds of hate and violence. He said India has always interfered and perpetrated terrorism in other countries. He said India should shun war mongering and pursue the course of diplomacy for resolution of all outstanding disputes including that of Jammu and Kashmir. Agha Hassan Baloch said that Pakistan and India both are nuclear states and any conflict between them will have disastrous consequences for the region. Sherry Rehman of PPP said Modi is spiking escalation to win the election. He said the aggressive posture of India stands exposed before the world. MQM Sabir Qaim Khani said that if India tried to cast an evil eye on Pakistan, the entire nation will give a befitting response to it.  He said we are ready to sacrifice our blood for the security of the country. National Party Tahir Bizinjo said that international community should play its role for resolution of longstanding Kashmir dispute. JUI-F Ghafoor Haideri said Pakistani armed forces are fully capable to respond to any foreign aggression. He said we are proud of our air force for giving a knee jerk response to the Indian aggression.