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Pakistani politics is not a matter for US government, says Mathew Miller

Pakistani politics is not a matter for US government, says Mathew Miller
June 16, 2023 Web Desk

WASHINGTON (92 News) - US State Department Spokesperson Mathew Miller said that Pakistani politics are a matter for the Pakistani people to decide, pursuant to their own constitution and laws and they are not a matter for the United States government.

He was responding to a question regarding PTI chairman's allegation that defying US policies led to his downfall during a briefing. "I would say that we have spoken to this in the past. Those allegations are absolutely false."

In response to another question about press freedom in Pakistan, Mathew Miller said that the US generally urge all governments to respect the role of journalists and media.

"We believe the press performs a critical function in democratic societies. We expect that journalists covering the events in Pakistan should all be allowed to do their work. A free and independent press is a vital, core institution that undergirds healthy democracies by ensuring that electorates can make informed decisions and holding government officials accountable," he maintained.