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Ruckus in Punjab Assembly: three PML-N’s members suspended

Ruckus in Punjab Assembly: three PML-N’s members suspended
April 26, 2019
LAHORE (92 News) – A ruckus was marred in Punjab Assembly when the debate on Local Government Bill turned into quarrel as Punjab Assembly‘s deputy speaker suspended membership of three Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) leaders. As ruckus triggered during the session in provincial Assembly as the opposition protested against a report on the Local Government Bill, which was approved by the assembly’s Standing Committee on Local Government a day ago. Opposition members staged a walkout after raising objections over various points in the report, which were defended by Punjab Law Minister Raja Bahsarat. The opposition also raised anti-government slogans and exchanged hot words with the deputy speaker, who suspended the membership of three PML-N leaders. The suspended MPAs included Pir Ashraf Rasool, Uzma Bukhari and Mian Abdul Rauf. MPA Pir Ashraf Rasool was suspended during the presentation of the bill, whereas the membership of the other two leaders was suspended after the deputy speaker replayed a video of the incident. The law minister defended the government stance, saying that this is necessary to maintain the disciplines. Meanwhile, He also mentioned that that consensus between PML-N and the government was difficult as the opposition party wanted to have its way. On the other hand, PML-N leader said Malik Ahmed Khan that the culture, which prevailed by Prime Minister Imran Khan, is promoting form the upper level to the grass root level.
Ruckus in Punjab Assembly over Sahiwal incident
Earlier, the opposition in the Punjab Assembly staged a strong protest against the Punjab government for not presenting a joint investigation team (JIT) report on the Sahiwal incident in the house for discussion.

The members of the opposition tore copies of today’s agenda of the assembly and gathered in front of the speaker’s dais in protest against the government’s declining their request to suspend the assembly proceedings to hold discussion on the Sahiwal JIT report.

The opposition demanded to debate on the matter of Sahiwal incident in the house and Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat said the Sahiwal incident was not part of the agenda as the provincial legislature’s proceedings would continue as per rules. The law minister dismissing the demand of judicial commission in Sahiwal tragedy on Monday urged the opposition in the Punjab Assembly to wait for the JIT report. “In the light of the report both leaders of the House and Opposition will sit together and ascertain penalties for responsible of the tragedy,” he added. Speaking on the floor of the House in response to opposition’s hue and cry over the gruesome Sahiwal happening, the minister suggested in-camera session tomorrow for debate on the incident.