Friday, September 20, 2024

Terrorists have no affiliation with Islam or humanity, says Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani

Terrorists have no affiliation with Islam or humanity, says Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani
September 30, 2023 Web Desk

QUETTA (APP) - Senate Chairman Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, along with a delegation of senators, visited Civil Hospital Quetta to inquire about the well-being of the injured from the Mastung blast.

Sanjrani was joined by Senator Zanseebullah Bazai, Prince Umar Ahmadzai, and Rukhsana Zuberi during the hospital visit to meet with the blast victims.

Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani conveyed his contentment with the care provided to the injured. He emphasized that terrorists have no affiliation with Islam or humanity. "The attack on the Eid Miladul Nabi (PBUH) procession is a stark illustration of the terrorists’ anti-Islamic stance," he added.

Sanjrani also commended the Pakistan Army and security forces for their effective counterterrorism efforts, assuring that victims would receive full assistance. He underscored their shared empathy with the victims and their determination to prevent any disruption of the peace process.

He asked Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Kakar and Balochistan Chief Minister Ali Mardan Khan Domki to promptly announce a compensation package for the victims and martyrs of the Mastung blast.

In a statement, he called for an allocation of Rs 2 million for the families of the martyrs and Rs 1 million for each of the injured from the Mastung blast.

He expressed hope that the Prime Minister and Chief Minister of Balochistan would unveil a relief package for the martyrs and those injured in the Mastung blast.