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Trump ready to meet Iranian president

Trump ready to meet Iranian president
August 27, 2019
BIARRITZ (AFP) – US President Donald Trump said at the G7 summit that he is prepared to meet Iranian president within weeks in what would amount to a stunning change of direction in the two countries’ smouldering standoff. The potential breakthrough was announced by Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron, who said he would facilitate the first face-to-face meeting between the US president and the Iranians. The surprise news came after Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made a dramatic, unscheduled appearance on the sidelines of the summit held in Biarritz on Sunday at the invitation of Macron. The 41-year-old French leader said the "conditions for a meeting" between Trump and Iran's Hassan Rouhani "in the next few weeks" had been created through intensive diplomacy and consultations. "If the circumstances were correct, I would certainly agree to that," Trump said at a press conference with Macron at the end of three days of G7 talks. Asked if he thought the timeline proposed by his French counterpart was realistic, Trump replied: "It does." Trump was equally confident that Rouhani would be in favour. "I think he's going to want to meet. I think Iran wants to get this situation straightened out," he added. Both men will be in New York for the UN General Assembly at the end of September which could provide the stage for the talks. Trump has put in place a policy of "maximum pressure" on Tehran over its disputed nuclear programme via crippling sanctions that critics see as raising the risk of conflict in the Middle East between the United States and Iran. The US president last year unilaterally pulled out of a landmark 2015 international deal that placed limits on Tehran's nuclear activities in exchange for trade, investment and sanctions relief. Trump said the deal gave the Iranians cover to keep pursuing a secret nuclear military programme which they insist does not exist. Rouhani appeared to accept the idea of opening to talks with Washington. "I believe that for our country's national interests we must use any tool," Rouhani said of Zarif's Biarritz visit in a speech aired live on state television on Monday. But hardliners criticised the initiative, with the ultra-conservative Kayhan newspaper saying the trip was "improper" and sent "a message of weakness and desperation." REAL PROGRESS Macron has urged the US administration to offer some sort of relief to Iran, such as lifting sanctions on oil sales to China and India, and has raised the possibility of a new credit line to enable exports. In return, Iran would return to complying with the 2015 deal. Commenting on the talks about Iran at the G7, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said: "It's a big step forward. Now there is an atmosphere in which talks are welcomed." Macron and Trump hailed the common ground found by G7 leaders at their summit, which was dominated by the Iranian nuclear crisis, global trade tensions and fires in the Amazon. "We have managed to find real points of convergence, unprecedented, very positive, that will allow us to go forward in a very useful way," Macron told the press conference. Trump said Macron had done a "fantastic job" at the G7. "This was a very special, a very unified two and a half days and I want to thank you," Trump told his host. Just a few weeks ago, Trump lambasted Macron for sending "mixed signals" on Iran, and at the end of July the US administration imposed sanctions on Zarif. Macron acknowledged there had been "nervousness" ahead of the summit because of tensions between the US and Europe on a host of issues. "A lot depends on the return to the United States of Donald Trump and the way he manages everything," analyst Thomas Gomart from the French foreign affairs think-tank IFRI told AFP.