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US aware of civilians facing military trials for involvement in May 9th incidents: Matthew Miller

US aware of civilians facing military trials for involvement in May 9th incidents: Matthew Miller
June 14, 2023 Web Desk

WASHINGTON (92 News) - US State Department Matthew Miller has said that they are aware of the reports concerning civilians who will face military trials for their suspected involvement in the May 9th protest.

Responding to a question regarding the trial of May 9 miscreants in military courts during a briefing, he said: "We continue, as we have in the past, to urge Pakistani authorities to respect democratic principles and the rule of law for all people as enshrined in the country’s constitution. And we regularly discuss human rights, democracy, safety, and the protection of journalists and respect for the rule of law with Pakistani officials at the highest levels. That remains a priority for the United States."

To a question about the purchase of oil from Russia and its payment in the Chinese currency instead of US dollars purportedly being the weak currency, he said: "We have been very clear that each country has to make its own choices based on its own circumstances in terms of energy imports. Our understanding is that that Russian oil was sold at a significant discount to market rates. And I think it’s a sign of the price cap that the US, with our allies and partners, imposed on Russian oil that has driven down the price for Russian oil so that Russian oil sells well below market prices and, by our estimates, have deprived the Russian government of somewhere around $100 billion in additional revenues that would go to fund their war machine in Ukraine."