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Won't allow a leader to ruin country, declares PM Shehbaz Sharif

Won't allow a leader to ruin country, declares PM Shehbaz Sharif
March 16, 2023 Web Desk

ISLAMABAD (APP) - Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday urged the national political leadership to forge unity for addressing the prevailing challenges of economic instability and poverty, without letting the situation to further deteriorate.

The prime minister, addressing the Senate special session marking its golden jubilee celebration, said the economic stability without political stability was an unfulfillable dream. "By assuming the government in tough economic conditions, the coalition parties have sacrificed their politics for the sake of the country."

He said that a leader was poised to ruin the country which could not be allowed. "During an attempt to arrest him, the government showed restraint just to avoid any restlessness. But it is not possible to put the interest of the state and its 220 million people at stake,” he warned. “Let us brighten the future of Pakistan. We should strive, not conspire, remove hurdles instead of creating, unite the nation instead of creating division.”

He told the session attended by the members well as the diplomatic corps that the staff-level agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was expected to reach soon as the country had accepted even the toughest conditions. He said the delay in the agreement with the IMF was also due to the disorder created by the political opponents.

The PM recalled the historic incidents of the 1965 and 1971 wars, and war against terrorism when the whole nation exhibited unity to overcome the challenges.

He expressed his gratitude to the friendly countries for extending support after the unprecedented floods hit Pakistan. "The imported inflation created by the Ukraine war in form of surged oil, gas, food and fertilizer prices added up to the woes of developing countries like Pakistan."

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif told the gathering that the previous government signed and flouted an agreement with the IMF undermining Pakistan’s trust and making the 220 million people bear its brunt.

He said instead of shying away, the coalition parties opted course of protecting the state, ignoring its political cost. He said to satisfy his ego, ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan refused to sit with his opposition even during the challenging circumstances of COVID-19, and confrontation with India and also ridiculed his idea of Charter of Economy.

He said currently he was going in total defiance of the national institutions including the judiciary and promoting the politics of agitation.

PM Shehbaz said during the PTI government, that time opposition leaders were implicated in false cases but they neither uttered against the institutions nor violated the laws.

He said Imran Khan launched a defamatory campaign against the incumbent government and labeled it as an 'imported government' but later backed out of his claims of any US role in the removal of his government.

He reiterated his call for the national leadership to join heads and make major decisions on economic reforms, economic agenda and austerity measures and ensure their implementation.

The prime minister also lauded the historical role of political leadership in the past which played its historic role in promulgating the 1973 constitution which granted equal rights to all the four provinces of the country. He said that the Senate always made legislation on all issues of importance through minute deliberation and seriousness.

Later, Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani presented a memento to the prime minister as part of the 50 years celebrations of the Senate. The prime minister also presented a medallion to the Senate chairman as part of the celebrations.